About your trip

What type of cover do you need?

Single Trip cover is designed to cover a one-off trip, starting and ending in the UK, up to a maximum duration of 184 days.

Annual Multi-Trip is a 12 month policy, allowing you to travel on multiple occasions up to the specified trip duration limit. Some policies may present the option to extend your maximum trip length to meet your requirements.

If you're cruising during the period of cover, you must apply cruise cover prompted during the customer journey. You will not be covered for cruise trips unless Cruise Cover is included on your policy schedule and the additional premium paid. OK To Travel has a limit of 31 days on cruise trips, but other options may be available.

Where are you travelling to?

Annual Multi-Trip cover is split into three geographical areas. Please refer to the policy wording applicable to your cover to ensure all countries are included in the policy.


Worldwide excluding USA, Canada, Caribbean & Mexico


Choose your cover start date

Single TripCancellation cover starts when you purchase this insurance or when you book your trip, whichever is later.

Annual Multi TripCancellation cover begins on the start date you choose. It’s best to start your annual policy in advance of your first trip, ensuring cancellation cover is in place if anything unforeseen happens between the start date of cover and your departure date.

Choose your cover end date

Please ensure the dates you select cover you from the time of leaving home to your return home at the end of the trip.

Do you or any person travelling who is to be insured have any medical conditions?

Travel insurance policies may differ in their exact wording but generally a medical condition may be any of the following.

  • If you've had any recurrent or chronic conditions
  • If you've previously sought or recieved treatment for a condition
  • If you've been in hospital as an in-patient
  • If you've currently or have been taking medication for a condition
  • If you've had surgery

This list is not exhaustive and if you are unsure please use the screening service which is completely free and designed to ensure you obtain the cover you need.

It is important you declare all pre-existing medical conditions for all travellers to be insured on the policy. We do not have the facility to EXCLUDE medical conditions from cover and ALL medical conditions must be screened - not declaring pre-existing medical conditions could invalidate your policy.

Are you going on a cruise or winter sports trip?

If you're cruising during the period of cover, or intend to partake in winter sports activities, you must add the appropriate cover to your policy. Please read the policy wording applicable to your quote for full terms, conditions and limitations.

Please add any Sports & Activities that you or anyone in your party will be participating in to the box below.

Who is travelling?

Who would you like the policy to cover?

Individual Between 1 and 8 individuals travelling who are not a couple or family.

Couple You and your spouse/common law partner liviing at the same address.

Family You, your spouse/common law partner living at the same address, and/or yours or their dependent children, foster children, legal wards, or grandchildren under 18 years old of age (in full-time education and /or residing with them)

Group Between 2 and 8 individuals can travel on a policy together, they do not need to reside at the same address.

Number of travellers

Traveller's date of birth

  1. You have consent to answer all the questions on behalf of everyone to be insured on this policy.
  2. You are in the United Kingdom at the time of purchasing this policy. Any trip that has begun when you purchase this insurance will not be covered.
  3. Your trip starts and ends in the United Kingdom.
  4. You are permanently resident in the United Kingdom and have your main home in the United Kingdom (this policy is not available for residents of the Channel Islands or IOM).
  5. You have been in the United Kingdom for a minimum of 6 months in the year prior to purchasing your insurance policy.
  6. You are registered with a doctor in the United Kingdom.
  7. You are fit to travel and not travelling against the advice of a doctor or where you would have been if you had sought their advice before beginning your trip.
  8. You are not travelling with the intention of receiving medical treatment.
  9. You have not received a terminal prognosis.
  10. You do not have an undiagnosed medical condition (e.g. a medical condition you are aware of, but for which you have not had a diagnosis).
  11. The person buying this insurance must be 18 years of age or over at the date of purchase.

This insurance policy will not cover you to travel to a specific country or to an area where, prior to your trip commencing, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) have advised against all (or all but essential) travel.

Referral or promotional code

Please enter your referral or discount code in the box below.

For full terms and conditions, please check your policy wording or contact our call centre.